The key to good communication is to make your point simple and relevant to the audience you are reaching.
We recommend taking a top-down approach with your internal hierarchy, engaging management prior to users so that they are prepared to answer any questions from their direct reports, or know where the resources are to refer to.
Communication can be issued by email, company social pages, in team meetings or in town halls, No matter the format, make sure that you clearly outline who is required to do what when and why it is so important in keeping safe.
For example, make sure to tell app users to set up a password on Nexus, then log out of their app and back in with their Nexus access details to migrate. Or tell device users to make sure their device is switched on to migrate across.
It is important to include any relevant company policies and access to training they may require to refresh their knowledge on how and when to use Peoplesafe.
Communicate & Educate eBook