If you received an email stating:
Unfortunately, when reviewing your account we noticed that there was insufficient information for your service to be fully operational.
This means you did not have a device or app linked to a user profile with an escalation plan, these three things are required for the Peoplesafe service to be operational. If not, an alarm can be raised with no details for the person raising the alarm or a plan of how to escalate the alarm when the Alarm Controller receives it.
We recommend starting from the beginning and using our getting started guide within the resource center on Nexus.
When logged in, select the ? icon in the menu and select the option for getting started and follow the guides through. You can also watch one of our portal walkthrough webinars or complete admin training to understand how to set up the Peoplesafe service to fully protect your staff.
Nexus portal walkthroughs - Register here
Free Live Training
Join any of our live weekly webinars for free or play them on-demand at the link below.
We host webinars for:
- Administrators - everything you need to know to onboard Peoplesafe
- Managers - how to support open alarms and make sure your team members are protected.
- Device users - How alarms work and how to protect yourself using a personal safety device.
- App users - How alarms work and how to protect yourself using a personal safety app.