App Specific Training

Safeshores: Migrate to the Peoplesafe App

We are excited to confirm that your application is being upgraded as part of the migration process from Safeshores to Peoplesafe. Peoplesafe acquired Safeshores a few years ago and now has come the time to upgrade your services.

This process must be completed by the end of February 2024 once you have received an email from Peoplesafe.

Follow the steps below, at no point will you be unprotected as long as you do not uninstall the Safeshores Lone worker app until all steps are completed. 

  1. Open the email titled ‘Welcome to Peoplesafe’ and click the Log in to your account button to set your password. The same email address and password will be used later to sign into the mobile application.
  2. Open your phone application store and search for Peoplesafe, or open the links below:
    - Apple App store for iOS
    - Google Play store
  3. Install and open the application
  4. Enter your email address and password, created in step one.
  5. You will be asked to enter your telephone number to register your device.
  6. Tap request code to receive your one-time verifcation code by text message.
  7. Enter the code into the verification code box.
  8. Log in.
  9. You will now be logged into Peoplesafe application – learn about the differences here.
  10. You can now uninstall your Safeshores application.

If you are unable to complete install applications from the app stores your mobile device may be managed by your company through an "MDM". Please await confirmation from your internal IT team to set up.

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