Manager Migration FAQs

How has my access changed through the migration?

Account/Group Admin to Manager 

Nexus introduces an easier to manage organisation concepts and role-based access controls.


Groups and Teams replace the account and sub-account hierarchies, and Managers replace the previous roles known as Group or Account Admin.

  • Managers assigned to a team can manage all the people within that team, in the same way an account admin could manage the people within a sub-account.
  • Managers assigned to a group can manage all the people, from within the all the teams of the group structure.

As a manager, you can be assigned to multiple teams, and/or groups at any time, expanding the number of people that can be accessed.

What can I view in Nexus?

In Nexus, a manager has access to the following functionality:

  • Your profile - to update your contact information (We may need your help for an alarm, so correct contact details are important!) 
  • Dashboard - to view the status of the teams you manage, and the usage over the last 30 days and 6 months.
  • Map - Only available if you have permission (Check with your company administrator) 
  • Reporting - Available to report on your team(s), and/or group(s).
  • People - view and edit any profiles that are members of your team, or under your group.
  • Alarm Response Settings - here you can view escalation plans, alarm instructions, and locations assigned to your company's account. You cannot make changes to these
  • Apps & Devices - to view and assign products to members of your team.
  • Teams - Here you can view your team setup and add people to your teams

What can I do in Nexus? 

You are empowered to monitor and manage your team's safety through:

  • Adding, editing, and deleting profiles 
  • Assigning, reassigning, or removing apps & devices 
  • Running or Scheduling reports to monitor usage and alarms 
  • Review closed alarm reports 

What are the main changes? 

In summary, the role is very similar to Group and Account Admins, though, there are a few key changes:

  • You can now assign app subscriptions or devices within your company's account, not just those allocated to your team. 
  • You can now only view your team's escalation plans, editing these plans must be done by your account administrator (usually your Health and Safety team)

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