
Add, Edit & Manage People.

How do I edit an email address?

Email Addresses are restricted for your security

We've upgraded the security around email addresses in Nexus to ensure that accounts cannot be compromised. This is to ensure accounts cannot be maliciously taken over and administrator & app access is fully protected as credentials cannot be changed.


Add or Import new Profiles

To update an email address, you must delete, then re-add the profile/s you wish to amend

Manually add a single or multiple profiles by following the links below 

Import users in bulk to add many profiles at once. 

Remember to assign devices or app subscriptions to users and add Managers/Escalation Contacts to their relevant teams or plans.

Delete the profile/s

To delete a profile, find the profile within the People page and select edit. 

Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Delete. 

Read the warning, then enter the person's name exactly as it appears to confirm deletion.

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