Peoplesafe Release Notes & Technology Updates

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Nexus Release Notes | 23rd August 2024

Building on the recent customer-driven enhancements, this minor release includes additional improvements and bug fixes


Enhanced Escalation Plan Management: Escalation Plans now include a clear label indicating the type of phone number (personal, work, etc.). This improvement simplifies the process of creating, editing, and reviewing plans, ensuring users can quickly identify and contact the appropriate person in case of an emergency.

Enhanced App and Phone Management: A new Export button has been added to the Apps & Phones page. This feature lets you easily download a detailed Excel report of all assigned app subscriptions.

  • Identify unused subscriptions: Quickly determine which users have been granted access to the Peoplesafe App but haven't yet logged in by filtering the exported Excel file for blank phone numbers.
  • Streamline administrative tasks: Simplify the process of managing app assignments and ensuring optimal utilization.
  • Improve security: Proactively identify and address potential security risks associated with unused accounts.


  • Resolved SPOT device GPS coordinate issue: Invalid -9999,-9999 GPS coordinates reported by certain SPOT devices are now ignored, ensuring accurate location data.
  • Corrected Welfare Checks error: A bug that caused Welfare Checks to be offered incorrectly on Standard Mobile has been fixed, improving the reliability of the feature.
  • Enhanced People report exports: The People report now exports correctly even when filters are applied, providing users with accurate and customisable data.
  • Improved scheduled report delivery: Scheduled Reports with invalid spaces in email addresses will now be sent successfully, preventing missed notifications.

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