Device Specific Training

Check your device settings

Welcome to your new device! This guide will help you understand the features set to your device's call buttons. 

1. How to use the device call buttons

Check your device below to learn how to use your device' call buttons:

2. Identify the features assigned to the call buttons

We have multiple safety features that can be assigned to the call buttons on your device. Your company administrator has selected one of the following four options for each call button.

Listen to the message played to identify which feature is on each call button:

If you hear 'You are not authorised to use this service" please contact your Manager or your administrator to link your device to your online profile.


3. Choose the correct Training to complete 

eLearning & videos are available for each device below, complete the training relevant to your devices' settings.

Personal Safety Welcome Pack 

This pack serves as a summary of our webinar training and includes everything you need to know on:

  • How to prevent incidents 
  • How to raise an alarm 
  • How alarms are received and responded too
  • All training materials for your app or device. 

Click here to open our Personal Safety Welcome Pack 

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