
Create, Edit & Manage Teams, their Managers & Members.

How do I give a manager access to a team?

How to add a Manager

  1. To add a manager, open the people page on the menu then select the add person button.  
  2. Choose the Manager role and any other roles that the person requires.
  3. The minimum amount of information to create a Manager is their name and surname, however you should provide at least one contact number, so that you can add them as part of an escalation plan later.
  4. We recommend enabling portal access for managers. If the person has portal access enabled, you must also provide their email address.
  5. You can now save the profile.  
  6. Go to the team's page to allocate the Manager to a team by editing the team and selecting their name from the list.  

If you do not allocate them to a team, they will not be able to view any information when logged into Nexus, if portal access is enabled.  

How to add a Team 

  1. Go to the menu and select Teams then click the add button. 
  2. Enter a team name and description to identify & locate your team later.  
  3. Use the drop-down menu to select a Team Manager or multiple team managers. 
  4. The default instructions selected in your company settings will appear in these fields, just select change, and choose the options from each menu presented.  
  5. You can then choose a different location, alarm response instruction and escalation plan specific to this team if necessary.
  6. Click the Save button when finished.  

Unless a Manager is added to a team and has portal access enabled, they will be unable to view information on Nexus. If a manager has portal access but is not assigned to manage a team, they will not be able to view data in Nexus.  

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