
Create, Edit & Manage Teams, their Managers & Members.

How to create and edit a team


How to create a team

  1. Go to Teams

  2. Select +Add 

  3. Enter Team Name 

  4. Enter Team description (Optional) 

  5. Select a location to add to the team (Optional)

  6. Add an Alarm Response Plan (Optional) 

  7. Add an Escalation plan (Optional) 

  8. Add a/all Team Managers using the drop down box.
    These managers will be given access to this team if they have portal access. 

  9. Save 

How to add people to a team

  1. Go to Teams
  2. Select the team from the list
  3. Select Manage or Add Team members 
  4. Select the option under People to add team members 
  5. Use the search box and or filters to find the people you would like to add to the team. 
  6. Select the people using the tick box or add buttons
  7. Select Proceed
  8. A pop-up will show to confirm 

How to edit a team 

  1. Go to Teams

  2. Select the team from the list

  3. Select the pen/edit icon or select the team to open the team overview and select edit. 

  4. Update any details required 

  5. Press save 

How to remove people from a team 

  1. Go to Teams
  2. Select the team from the list
  3. Select Manage or Add Team members 
  4. Use the search box and or filters to find the people you would like to add to the team. 
  5. Select the people using the tick box or add buttons
  6. Select Proceed
  7. A pop-up will show to confirm 

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