
Alarm, Usage & Management Reporting.

What is the difference between active and protected users?


Protected and Active users are different, they indicate whether a user can use Peoplesafe or if they are using Peoplesafe within the time set on the report.

Protected Users: 

Protected users have products assigned to their profiles. Their profiles have been activated by filling in the minimum required information. On the dashboard and reports, the current total of protected users will show under the user summary chart. 

Active User:

A user who is protected by having a product assigned and has recorded activity. This activity could be the device being switched on and updating to Nexus, or manual use of features. The dashboard shows the active users today and the total active users within the past 30 days. 


Tip: If you have users who share devices, active users could exceed the total protected users when viewing the Management report or dashboard. While this may appear odd, it is just because active users during the reporting period may no longer be protected as their device is shared between profiles. 

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