Onboarding Peoplesafe

Here you can learn how to efficiently set up your Nexus account and learn best practices from our experts

Update your Lone Worker Policy to set expectations

You must review your policies before launching Peoplesafe technology. This sets clear expectations for all service users before implementation and in life.  

If you do not update your policy, it is unlikely that your employees will use Peoplesafe consistently after launch to protect themselves. 


Policy Review eBook 

Click here to read

Add risk profiles to Nexus 

While you review your policy, it is a great time to review risk profiles for users - add these to  user profiles in Nexus. 

The risks available are listed below: 

Hazardous substances
Hostage situation
Infection / exposure
Medical issues
Slip, trip or fall
Verbal threats
Vulnerable person
Working with machinery
Working at height
Community working
Handling high value goods
Working with ex-offenders
Working in confined spaces
Working in, or traveling in remote locations

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