Onboarding Peoplesafe

Here you can learn how to efficiently set up your Nexus account and learn best practices from our experts

How to login to Nexus for the first time

When logging into Nexus for the first time, you will need to follow these steps: 

Find your welcome email. 

  1. Search your emails for the sender noreply@peoplesafe.co.uk or the subject Welcome to Peoplesafe
  2. Select the Log into your account button in the email.

If you cannot find your email, follow this article. 


Welcome email.png


Enter a Password

Enter a strong password with at least 8 characters. Do not share this password with anyone. 

enter password.png

Verify that it's you 

  1. Select the option to send a verification code. 
  2. Open the email with your Two Factor Authentication code
  3. Copy and paste this into Nexus 


2FA Email.png

Verification code email.png

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