
Add, Edit & Manage People.

How to add a Manager

Managers can access all areas of Nexus but can only view, edit, add and report on their team(s). Managers must be assigned to a team on Nexus before they can view and edit information.

If you want to provide permission for the Manager to update and edit alarm response information for their team/s then also provide the Aarm Response Admin role to the Manager profile. 

Adding a Manager Profile

  1. To add a manager, open the people page on the menu then select the add person button.  
  2. Choose the Manager role and any other roles that the person requires.
  3. The minimum amount of information to create a Manager is their name and surname, however you should provide at least one contact number, so that you can add them as part of an escalation plan later.
  4. We recommend enabling portal access for managers. If the person has portal access enabled, you must also provide their email address.
  5. You can now save the profile.  
  6. Go to the team's page to allocate the Manager to a team by editing the team and selecting their name from the list.  

If you do not allocate them to a team, they will not be able to view any information when logged into Nexus, if portal access is enabled.  

Importing a Manager 

When importing a Manager, you must add their information into the import spreadsheet:

  • Anything in red is required to import the person 
  • Any boxes highlighted in yellow, are recommended for best practice 


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