
Add, Edit & Manage People.

How do I add multiple people to one device?

We only advise using shared user profiles for devices. These profiles work best for fixed locations or vehicles where the device is placed on charge, switched on so that a panic alarm can be raised. 

If multiple people share the device to use independently, they must leave voice memos or activities with their name and contact number so we can identify them.  

  1. To add a shared user, open the people page on the menu then select the add person button.  
  2. Select the user role.
  3. Enter the name as shared profile and the surname as the team’s name.  
  4. Provide the primary contact number of a manager who is responsible for all people.  
  5. Select prefer not to say as the sex assigned at birth, unless all people sharing the profile have the same gender.  
  6. If the people sharing the profile share the same job role, sector and risks, please provide these to help the Alarm Controller identify the types of danger they could be subjected to during an alarm.  
  7. You can now activate and save the profile.  
  8. Assign a device to the profile by selecting the add button by the shared user profile to assign a device.  

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