Alarm Response Information

Escalation Contacts, Escalation Plans, Locations & Alarm Response Instructions

Why do I need to add locations?

Locations give context to alarms

Adding home, office or other regularly visited locations help us compare GPS locations during ongoing incidents to locations provided on a profile, team or account. 

Adding a contact number to the location can help us provide access instructions to emergency services or send a colleague to help support when appropriate. 


Locations help Alarm Controllers identify if alarms are triggered in or near known properties or areas to your business, providing valuable context in the event of an alarm. Open Locations to view existing locations or add a new location.  

  1. Provide a name and description to help you identify the location.  
  2. Enter the full address into the fields provided.
  3. You can provide a phone number for the location to be contacted by an Alarm Controller if alarms are raised at this location.  
  4. Save the Location. 

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